Privacy Policy for AutoReloader Basic
Last updated: December 1, 2024
Our Privacy Commitment
AutoReloader Basic is designed with your privacy as the top priority. We believe in complete transparency and zero data collection.
Data Collection Policy
We do not collect any data. Specifically:
- No personal information is collected
- No usage statistics are gathered
- No analytics are implemented
- No cookies are used
- No user tracking occurs
- No data is stored locally or remotely
Extension Permissions
AutoReloader Basic requires only the minimum necessary permissions to function:
- Safari extension permissions (solely for page reloading functionality)
- No access to browsing history
- No access to webpage content
- No network access except for page reloading
- No file system access
Technical Implementation
Privacy protection is enforced through:
- Sandboxed environment execution
- No external network calls
- No data persistence
- Memory safety through Swift's secure memory management
- Immediate clearing of any temporary data
Third-Party Services
AutoReloader Basic does not:
- Use any third-party services
- Include any third-party code
- Share any information with third parties
- Integrate with any analytics providers
Our commitment to privacy is verified through:
- Apple's App Store Review Process
- Sandboxed environment execution
- No external servers
- No hidden features or background processes
- Regular security updates
Changes to This Policy
Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on this page. The extension's core commitment to privacy will not change.